Saturday, December 3, 2016

Hand Skin Care in Winter. Simple Tips.

Winter season comes with the cold and dry weather which dehydrates skin. Our hands get affected by winter harshness the most. How to help them?

There are many tips for winter hand care that you can utilize to ensure that your hands look noticeably smoother and softer: 

- Wearing gloves in winter keep your skin soft and protected.

- Winter hand cream should be special - containing natural vegetable oils, butters and wax. These additives have polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary to form a protective barrier of the skin.

- Wash your hands by water at room temperature, as hot water causes dryness and flaking.

- Scrub should be used 1-2 times a week.  

- At least 2 times a week apply a mask for hands.  In contrast to the daily care masks have a better therapeutic effect, helping women maintain hands in good shape.

- The skin around our nails gets really dry and peels easily, so apply cuticle balm consistently throughout the day.

You can read more on this topic here:

DIY: Hand Scrub