Sunday, August 2, 2015

DIY project: How to refresh your skin during hot summer days - cosmetic ice cubes.

There is something interesting and useful you can do now. In a terrible hot weather during the summer months, ice cubes will refresh and revitalize your skin. The wiping your skin with ice cube causes "exercise" for facial blood capillaries - vessels under cold are narrowing, than after a while they are dilating. Blood flow to capillaries intensifies, and, as a result, the saturation of skin cells with oxygen increases.

It’s very easy to prepare ice for cosmetic procedures in home conditions, considering individual needs of the skin. You can also make universal ice cubes suitable for care of any skin type - for example, from fruits or juices.

HOW to prepare cosmetic ice cubes:

You need fruits:
Here I had strawberries, raspberries and plum -

not too many - just: 

- three strawberries
- five raspberries
- half of plum.

At first, crush fruits in a blender (or in food processor) each kind separately. Or you can use fork for this purpose. 

Add a little mineral water into each puree, if you wish.

 And pour it into moulds for ice. I usually put the mould into a freezer for several hours.

Ice cubes are easy to prepare, and the washing procedure only takes a few seconds. Short-term cooling of the skin facilitates the flow of blood and improve metabolism, tightens pores, the skin becomes more elastic.
The greatest effect is achieved when using the cosmetic ice twice a day - 
in the morning

  and in the evening.

HOW to use ice cubes:
Remove from the mould a few ice cubes and gently massage your face, neck and décolleté for a minute or two.
For convenience, the ice cubes may be placed in a thin cotton cloth or paper towel. 
You must be fast enough, barely touching the skin and not stopping at one place.
After washing it is better to leave your skin damp to absorb nutrients, like you applied the light mask.
A few minutes later, when the moisture is absorbed enough, wash you face with warm water and apply the appropriate face cream/moisturizer. 
Cosmetic ice refreshes and revitalizes the skin. It cools the skin, therefore stimulating blood flow, enhancing metabolism, tightening the pores and giving it more elasticity and a natural flush.

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